White House Wednesdays
Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

With all the fanfare of their First State Dinner, many missed a new addition in the Diplomatic Reception Room.  However, during President Trump’s historic announcement of the United States’ withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal last week, Mrs. Trump made news. Everything in the Diplomatic Reception Room looked normal, stately and adhering to proper White House protocols but there was one change, something new. Underneath the podium and signing desk was the new diplomatic reception room rug. The large oval rug was unveiled without fanfare from Mrs. Trump’s office – but it was significant. The last time the rug was updated was in 2009 under the direction of First Lady Laura Bush. Working alongside her trusted interior designer Ken Blasingame, Mrs. Bush’s Diplomatic Reception rug was designed such that it mirrored some of the themes from President Bush’s Oval Office rug- with the sunburst design in the center along with all 50 state seals around the border.

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead


The new rug Mrs. Trump unveiled is part of her ongoing internal and external renovation projects to the Executive Mansion. This beautifully designed rug maintains a similar feel to its predecessors, very stately and detailed while still allowing for the focal point of the room to remain the amazing Zuber Wallpaper selected and installed by First Lady Jackie Kennedy. The Presidential Seal is in the center of the rug and in place of the state seals, Mrs. Trump has each state’s official flower in the border. I will certainly look to see Texas’ bluebonnets, and I am sure she was proud to see the rose which is New York’s flower, as well as the Orange blossom which is the state flower of Florida – home to the Southern White House.

White House Historical Association

Projects like these are normal for a building so old and heavily used. The White House is not just a personal home but it is a public museum with regular tours for thousands of people from around the world. Given the heavy wear and tear it is important to preserve, update and protect the furnishings of both the private and public floors of the White House.

White House Historical Association

The taxpayer does not pay for the new rug because of the White House Historical Association, https://whitehousehistory.org,  footing the bill for it through private donations. The association, created by Mrs. Kennedy has raised millions of dollars for the purpose of preserving the White House’s history. Mrs. Trump has a wonderful working relationship with the Executive Residence and East Wing team and we should expect to see more updates and historically appropriate changes to more rooms in the White House. Recall, the gift presented to President and Mrs. Macron was fabric from a chair from the Blue room set of furniture purchased by President Monroe from France. At the first seated social dinner in honor of the White House Historical Association, Mrs. Trump displayed one of the chairs currently under renovation to bring it back to its gilded glory.

White House Historical Association

As many heads of state and dignitaries walk through the Diplomatic Reception room just off the South portico, there is no doubt they will notice the beautiful addition of the new rug, thanks to our First Lady, Melania Trump.

White House Historical Association


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