In honor of the White House unveiling this year’s Christmas theme, I thought it would be fun to look back at some of the other press previews of the past. Nancy Reagan loved the press previews, as she always had a celebrity with her such as “Mr. T” or one of my most favorites since… Read More
It’s All About Bo The décor that is certainly stealing the show for this year’s White House trimmings it without a doubt, Bo. The First Pet, a Portuguese Water Dog, is prominent this year. For the past two years Bo has been a favorite, there have been Christmas cookies of his likeness, he has appeared… Read More
For the past several days volunteers from around the country have been rapidly trimming the White House – each year since 1961 with First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy (she choose the Nutcracker Suite) the White House holiday decor has had an official theme. Today, Mrs. Obama unveiled the big secret (the White House always keeps the… Read More
Congratulations to Sue and Tom Schroeder, as they presented First Lady Michelle Obama with this year’s official White House Christmas tree. The Schroeders earned this honor by winning the National Christmas Tree Association’s (NCTA) national Christmas Tree contest held in August 2011 and becoming Grand Champion. Members of the National Christmas Tree Association have presented… Read More