White House Wednesdays

The state china of the Obama Administration has been unveiled! The eleven-piece place setting incorporates historic inspiration with a modern presentation, as, unlike most china, it’s not a matching set. The blue hue used on several of the pieces was named “Kailua Blue”, an acknowledgement to the President’s home state of Hawaii. The set begins… Read More

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy received a gift of shamrocks from Irish ambassador Thomas J. Kiernan in the Oval Office.   Each year the president gets a crystal bowl of shamrock sprouts from Ireland as a symbol of the bond between our two countries. Since 1953 the gift has been delivered by the Irish… Read More

Many people don’t know just inside the East Wing is a movie theater in the White House.  A room that at times also acts as a coat closet during large events is a refuge for the first family at times – and also another venue the President and First Lady to entertain guests.  Guests including members of… Read More