White House Wednesdays

Nancy Reagan loved Christmas – and like everything else that she did at the White House, she took Christmas to the next level, and their years at the White House were  some of the most spectacular.  And the Reagan library is carrying on that tradition. People loved the idea of going to Mount Vernon for the holidays and have asked for some other suggestions of places to go – one place I am hoping to visit soon is the newly renovated Ronald Reagan Library and museum.  They have their annual Christmas Tree Exhibit here for the holidays this year.  It is called “An American Christmas”, and this holiday exhibit features 24 trees which celebrate the defining moments of America’s road to greatness.

The exhibit is displayed November 18, 2011 – January 8, 2012. “The holidays come alive at the Reagan Library! Enjoy a tour through our winter wonderland featuring 24 trees decorated to celebrate the defining moments of America’s road to greatness, from the Revolutionary Era to today. Each tree reflects the life and times of American society and culture during each decade between 1700 and 2010, thus tracing the evolution of America. Through the use of lights, ornaments and decorations, each tree becomes its own piece of magnificent art. Also on display will be a collection of beautiful hand-crafted Menorahs that were given to President Reagan while in the White House.”  This truly is an exhibit to see and enjoy. Regular Museum charges apply. They are spectacular you can find more information and see photos of these holidays exhibits on their website at The Reagan Foundation.

In honor of talking about the Reagan library, I thought I would share another one of Mrs. Reagan’s recipes.
Nancy Reagan’s Pumpkin Pecan Pie

Recipes using McCormick’s Ground Cinnamon

4 slightly beaten eggs
2 cups canned or mashed cooked pumpkin
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup dark corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell
1 cup chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350° F.
Combine all ingredients except pecans.
Pour into the pie shell – top with pecans.
Bake for 40 minutes or until set.


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